Monday, 17 August 2015



a)    Break down complex issues: You can also break things down according to time, you can also compartmentalize topics according to the calendar.
·       Weekdays: try and think about daily issues, prioritizing and dealing with the issues of the day.
·       Weekends: try and reserve time to think about topics and issues that will affect you positively by doing one step ahead thinking.
How you break down an issues is up to you, whether it’s by function, timetable, responsibility, purpose, or some other method. The point is that you need to break it down.
b)   Ask why before how: Think about all the reasons for decision.
c)    Identify the real issues and objective: don’t rush into solution identify the problems before it can be solved, a problem must be clearly defined. Too many people rush to solutions, and as a result they end up solving the wrong problem. Discovering your real situation and objective is a major part of the battle. Once the real issues are identified, the solutions are often simple.
According to the former GE chairman jack welch says
     Strategic is first trying to understand where you sit in today’s world. Not where you wish you were or where you hoped you would be, but where you are. Then it’s trying to understand where you want to be five years out
Finally, it’s assessing the realistic chances of getting from here to there.
d)   Check out /Review your resources: Take an inventory or figure out   the available resource at hand. A strategic that doesn’t take into account resources is doomed to failure.
e)    Put the right people in the right place:
     Include your team as part of your     strategic thinking. Put the right people in the right place. Look at what happens if you miscalculate:

Wrong person: Problem instead of potential
Wrong place: Frustration instead of fulfillment
Wrong plan: Grief instead of Growth

     Everything comes together, however, when you put together all three element, the right person, the right place, and the right plan.
f)      Keep repeating the process: Strategic thinking is like showering, you have to keep doing it for you to become a continuous strategic thinker, the will to win is worthless if you do not have the will to prepare.

       Purpose is to help those that might have had a track record of misdiagnosing problems and applying the wrong kinds of solutions to them and help them to learn how they can think so that they can begin to develop similar thinking strategies and also to help them know how to prepare for unseen situation.

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