And said, verily I say unto you, excerpt ye
Converted, and become as little children, ye
shall not enter into the kingdom of God. Mathew 18:3
1 At the same time came the
disciples unto Jesus, saying, who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?
2 And
Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,
3 And
said, Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little
children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as
this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
of the greatest lessons to learn from little children is that they don’t worry
about anything. This is the way God expects us to relate with Him; relaxing and
putting all matters in His care, knowing that it will always end up in our best
interest. Nothing good can be achieved when we trust only in ourselves, because
every step we take will always lead to one mistake or another. Your faith in
God must be real. A father will promise his son an aero plane even though the
man does not own a bicycle, yet the child believes, because his father said so.
As a child of the Almighty God, you should humbly come before Jesus,
surrendering all your desires and worries to Him. With this attitude, you will
always leave His presence with a confirmation that all your requests are
granted. Real faith goes beyond the natural to a point in which those things
that seemed impossible become possible. Faith causes events contrary to natural
laws to take place. Faith is required to move the immovable and to reverse the
you go into the presence of God, focus on Him and worship Him. He will wipe
your tears and remove all forms of worries, sorrows and problems from your
life. Seek the face of God concerning anything He wants you to do. As you
release your faith and follow God as a child who trusts the instructions of his
father, you will be amazed at the wonderful things that will begin to manifest
in your life. Sometimes when I go before God with the aim of presenting my
requests, He asks me to do something sacrificial myself. At a moment in the
history of RCCG, when we were not growing the way I wanted, I decided to seek
the face of God by engaging in some spiritual exercises. Suddenly the Lord
asked me what I would give to Him, I responded by saying that I was ready to
give anything in order to see the kind of Church I was praying for. Then, He
told me to sow my Pajero jeep which was as good as a private jet to me at that
time. I loved my Pajero so much because it was one car that never gave me
problems, but the Lord asked me to sow it into another ministry and I obeyed.
The day the representative of that ministry came to pick it up, my driver wept;
but that was the beginning of a turning point in my ministry. It was really
painful to give out the car, but the pain could not be compared to the joy that
I eventually had, simply because I believed in God’s faithfulness.
in God is very vital to our walk as Christians. It is an expression of our
confidence in God and on His promises. Nothing ever works without faith.
Repentance is impossible without faith. The prodigal son had faith in his
father, knowing that the worst that could happen was that he would be made a
servant. Through his act of faith and his going before his father in true
repentance, his son ship was restored. Do you think you have missed it beyond
repairs? Have faith in God. Do you think that opportunity will never come
again? Have faith in God.
“For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the
world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith”
1st John 5:4
Key Point
Nothing works without faith.
Bible in one year
1st Samuel 1, Proverbs 2:20-3:12
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